
Social Events

Social events allow SOLES members the opportunity to network with each other and create long-lasting relationships.

Professional Events

Through collaborations with various companies, we can establish and maintain healthy relationships between SOLES members and companies.

Science Extravaganza

Through a collective effort from volunteers and Science Extravaganza Co-Chairs, outreach events aimed to introduce STEAM concepts to underrepresented students are accomplished.

Latino Growth in STEM

“We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community.”

Cesar Chavez

By holding these social and professional events many SOLES members graduate with not only a career waiting for them but with strong connections with industry. As our members continue to make progress in STEM SOLES continues to keep every networking opportunity open for new members. By having various members take roles in the workforce we can create better opportunities for future members.

About Us

SOLES is a well-established organization that strives to empower Latinos to succeed in all STEM fields.

More About Us

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Feel free to send us any questions or concerns.

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