2023 SHPE National Convention

SOLES with Dean of Engineering from San Jose State University: Dr. Sheryl Ehrman
Julissa (Marketing Chair), Alyssa (Media Chair), Caroline (Secretary)

SOLES attends 49th annual SHPE National Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah

Salt Palace Convention Center

The SHPE National Convention is the largest gathering of Hispanics in STEM. The convention is a great opportunity to present research and obtain internships or full-time jobs from many different companies. Industry professionals also lead workshops to improve leadership development. Along with connecting with industry professionals, attendees can also network with other SHPE Chapters from across the country. This year there were 12,000+ attendees. See you next year in Anaheim for the 50th anniversary.

Caroline (Secretary) with Digital Creator Sonia Camacho

SOLES would like to thank the following who made this trip possible:

For more information about SHPE, visit their website: https://shpe.org/about-shpe/

Connect with Region 1:

Instagram: @shperegion1

Website: https://shpe.org/membership/regions/region-1/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/shpe-region-1/